Two wheels & rice fields
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What Is In The Book?
Two Wheels & Rice Fields is more than just a comprehensive guide on motorbiking Vietnam. This exclusive eBook covers everything you need to consider when travelling by motorbike. Once you have purchased Two Wheels & Rice Fields, you will receive detailed, comprehensive & relevant information about:
Everything Before You Go.
From visas & insurance to licenses & when to go. We prepare you with all the logistics for a safe and memorable adventure.
Selecting The Right Motorbike To Buy.
We cover various models & makes of motorbike, what to look for when purchasing your motorbike and taking it for a test drive
Safe & Correct Travel Gear.
What clothing you should wear, protective equipment needed such as helmets, gloves & footwear.
Correct Motorbike Maintenance.
We share with you valuable information on how to care for your motorbike ensuring a smooth and safe journey. We also include what tools to have with you on your travels and simple measures you can take to make your bike travel further without breakdowns.
Heath, Safety & Security Measures.
How to keep yourself healthy while travelling on the road with tips on how to combat fatigue, sickness physical aches. We also share valuable advice about how to ride on the roads in Vietnam, various road rules & how best to handle the road & traffic conditions. Useful information is also covered concerning the security of your bike, dealing with police & what to do if you do get pulled over.
Renting & Motorbike Tours.
If you still want the freedom to explore Vietnam by motorbike, but don’t want to purchase your own bike, we provide detailed information on various types of tours throughout the country as well as renting motorbikes within Vietnam.
Suggested Itineraries.
There is so much to see and explore throughout Vietnam. We share with you various routes and cities to see in case you only have 2 weeks or 2 months. We cover beaches, mountains and inland areas.
Travel & Cultural Expectations.
Vietnam might be far from where you live and has many cultural differences than what you may be used to. We give you advice on typical values & traditions in Vietnam, common foods, style of accommodation you can expect and a simple language guide to help you get around on your motorbike.
Selling Your Motorbike.
Selling your motorbike can be a bittersweet end to your fantastic journey throughout the country, but we share ways to sell your motorbike, where to list it and places which buy motorbikes within the cities.
Taking Notes On Your Travels.
This is your trip of a lifetime-so don’t forget it! We also provide you with free documents so you can take notes throughout your journey, have a gear list with you handy & write down important numbers or information.
Een aantal zaken heb ik al uitgebreid in dit topic behandeld, maar met name het motor-deel niet. Kent of heeft iemand dit boek? Is het voor mij de moeite waard om aan te schaffen? Ik blijf tenslotte boekenfanaat.
Nadat ik bovenstaand had geschreven kwam ik het boek(je?) op Amazon tegen. Ik zag dat het 107 pag. beslaat. En daar staat niet zoveel op zag ik op de voorbeeldpagina’s op bovenstaande site. Zie een kopie hierboven. Ter vergelijking: het boekje dat ik van de posts t/m begin november in dit topic heb gemaakt beslaat 156 pag. van in Arial 12 volgeschreven A4.
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