Even een vraagje over cardanolie. Ik wil de cardanolie van mijn Div 900 uit 1995 verversen. Ik heb bij Motozoom een flesje Castrol Differential EPX 90 gehaald, SAE 90 API, GL5. Nou staat er in het boekje van de Div, dat je SAE 80 API, en GL4 moet hebben. Er staat wel bij dat GL5 of GL6 ook kan, dus dat is geen probleem. Nou zit ik alleen even met het "probleem", dat er 80API in moet, en dat ik 90API heb. Ik kan 80 namelijk niet vinden. Weet iemand of ik ook gewoon de 90 kan gebruiken? Voor zover mijn beperkte kennis van olie rijkt, hebben die getallen te maken met de dikte van de olie.
Kan ik die 90 API gewoon gebruiken, of moet ik echt 80 hebben?
Deze kun je gewoon prima gebruiken. Het verschil zit 'm in de dikte van de olie. SAE90 kan iets beter tegen hogere temperaturen dan SAE80.
Ik heb dat spul er zelf ook in gegooid. edit: bij nader inzien heb ik blijkbaar castrol epx 80w90 erin zitten.
Voel voor de gein eens hoe warm de cardan wordt na een rit.
J300 SAE - Motor:
Monograde - Engine Oils
In Monogrades VI will only measured at 100 ° C. Depending on the season or climate zone, an oil change be made in order to ensure sufficient lubrication of the engine. The class specifies a number indicating the lowest possible use of oils in winter temperature and summer oils, the maximum operating temperature. Winter oils will also receive nor the "W" as an identifier for a winter oil.
Viscosity class Area of application Use at approx.
in relation to climatic zone and/or time of the year Outside temperature
SAE 0W-5W Winter oil for nordic countries beyond -30 °C
SAE 10W Winter oil 0 to -20 C°
SAE 15W Winter oil -15 to +20 °C
SAE 20W-20 Winter, summer oil, according to climatic zone -10 to +20 C°
SAE 25W Winter oil fin mild climatic zones 0 to +30 °C
SAE 30 Summer oil up to +30 C°
SAE 40 Summer oil, for southern countries +15 to +40 C°
SAE 50 Summer oil for tropical countries above +40 °C
Multi-grade - Engine Oils
For multi-grade oils, two viscosity classes are defined which are distinguished by a „W“. The number before the „W“ describes the lowest possible application temperature such as mono-grade oils. The number after the “W”, the summer number, determines the highest possible application temperature. The VI of a multi-grade oil is measured at 40°C and at 100°C.
Viscosity class Area of application Use at approx.
in relation to climatic zone and/or time of the year Outside temperature
SAE 0W-30 All-season oil below -30 to +30°C
SAE 0W-40 All-season oil below -30 to +40°C
SAE 5W-30 All-season oil below -20 to +40°C
SAE 5W-40 All-season oil below -20 to +40°C
SAE 5W-50 All-season oil below -20 to +50°C
SAE 10W-30 All-season oil -20 to +20 C°
SAE 10W-40 All-season oil -20 to +40 C°
SAE 10W-50 All-season oil -20 to +50 C°
SAE 15W-40 All-season oil -20 to +50 C°
SAE 20W-50 All-season oil -10 to +40 C°
Motor vehicle gear oils:
Single-grade gear oils
Viscosity class Area of application in relation to
climatic zone and/or time of the year
SAE 70 W Special oil for nordic countries
SAE 75W Winter oil
SAE 80W Winter oil
SAE 90W Summer oil
SAE 140W Summer oil for specific areas of use
Multigrade gear oils
Viscosity class Area of application in relation to
climatic zone and/or time of the year
SAE 75W-90 All-season oil
SAE 80W-90 All-season oil
SAE 85W-140 All-season oil/summer oil
For motor vehicle gear oils, the selection of the SAE classes is carried out more rarely according to the climatic zone and/or the outside temperature, but rather according to the gear type, like for example change-speed gears, driving axle, planetary hub reduction axle, etc.
For this reason, the manufacturers instructions have to be complied with in any case.
PROFI-TECH GmbH – Motorenöle. Additive. Service-Produkte.